Civil Department
The Civil Department is responsible for the filing of all Civil Suits, Clerk's Suits, Adoptions, Successions and all matters relating thereto. This includes the proper indexing of all suits, maintaining the Docket and Minute Books and keeping a record of all costs associated with filings. The Civil suit department files all pleadings, documents, and exhibits and endorses thereon the fact and date of filing.
The Civil Processing section issues citations, writs, subpoenas, and other processes of the Court in the name of the State of Louisiana and affixes the seal of the Court thereto.
The Minute Clerk of a court keeps the minutes of the court when in session and transcribes them into the Minute Book, as required by Article 254. The Minute Clerk of a trial court administers the oath to jurors and witnesses and files all exhibits offered in evidence, when directed to do so by the Court.
The Civil Court Cost section collects advance payment in accordance with R.S. 13:842 for the anticipated costs the Clerk will have in processing the litigation. This section also collects all accrued costs from the party incurring the additional costs in accordance with R.S. 13:843, including but not limited to costs of a jury trial, the costs of taking depositions, and expert witness fees.
Civil Records Requests:
To purchase a daily, monthly, or yearly subscription to view and print online civil records, please visit our Online Records page for more information.
If you are not interested in purchasing a subscription or need to purchase a certified copy, please submit an e-mail request with the below information to the Civil Records Department at CivilRecordsRequest@lpclerk.com:
Requestor's name
Requestor's phone number
Docket number
Title of the documents being requested
Number of copies
Regular or Certified copies
Fax number, E-Mail, or mailing address to send the documents
Indication of how payment will be made (credit card, charge to suit, charge to account, etc.)
Payment is required before any civil records requests will be processed. Please contact the Civil Records Department at 337-291-6303 for any assistance.
Clerk’s Suit/Small Claims Forms
For further information about the Civil Department call
(337) 291-6316.
For further information about the Civil Court Cost call
(337) 291-6314.