Elections Department
The Elections Department is responsible, in conjunction with the Lafayette Parish Board of Election Supervisors, for the overseeing of every facet of public elections anywhere in the Parish of Lafayette. The Elections Department qualifies candidates for office in any local election while the Secretary of State in Baton Rouge qualifies candidates on a state level.
The department is responsible for conducting Commissioner Training School for Commissioners and Commissioners-in-Charge, sending all notices to the election Commissioners and Commissioners-in-Charge, voting machine key custodians, and building custodians where the precincts are located. These notices inform everybody associated with an election of the election date, hours, voting machine delivery and pickup and other vital information concerning the election. The department also deals with any problems that may arise on election day.
The Parish Board of Election Supervisors, which the Clerk of Court chairs, meets before, during and after an election. Before an election, the Board selects at random, qualified Commissioners to staff each precinct. During an election, the Board convenes to count absentee ballots and after an election the Board meets once again to officially certify the election results before they are sent to the Secretary of State's Office. The Board also meets once each year to select Commissioners-in-Charge for each precinct in the Parish. The Commissioners-in-Charge serve for the entire year.
The Honor Vets voting program honors current and former members of the military who have fought and sacrificed for our freedoms and sacred right to vote. Please click the image below to visit the Honor Vets site.
Training School
Lafayette Parish Polling Locations
Secretary of State Election Information
The phone number to the Registrar of Voters Office (337) 291-7140.
For further information about the Elections Department call
(337) 291-6368.