Birth Certificates
Birth Certificates $34.00*
Birth Certificate & Birth Card $48.00*
*Birth Certificates and birth cards are cash only.
Civil Advanced Cost Fees
Ex-Parte Custody
Divorce W/Rule and TRO
Make Judgment Executory & for Garnishment
3601 Protective Order
Divorce W/Rule or TRO
Domestic Protective Order
Garnishment Proceedings
Executory Process
Make Judgment Executory
Open Account
Promissory Note
Amended/Supplemental Petition
Clerk’s Suit/Small Claim
Cross Claim
Damage, Personal Injury, Etc...
Deficiency Judgment
Judicial Commitment
Name Change
Reconventional Demand
Small Succession
Third Party Demand
Tutorship/Minor Claim
Workman's Comp
Writ of FIFA
Judgment Debtor Rule
Motion & Order for Appeal
Motion & Order for New Trial
Motion & Order for Summary Judgment
Rule for Alimony
Rule for Child Support
Rule for Custody
Motion & Order to Continue
Motion & Order to Fix for Trial
Miscellaneous Advance Deposit
Curator Fee for Adoption $150.00
Curator Fee per Defendant $150.00
Deposition Subpoena $125.00
Deposition Subpoena Duces Tecum $125.00
Trial Subpoena Advance Deposit**
Lafayette Parish $100.00
Law Enforcement Officer $100.00
Breaux Bridge, Abbeville, St. Martinville $100.00
Crowley, Opelousas, New Iberia $100.00
Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Franklin $115.00
Morgan City $125.00
New Orleans, Houma, Alexandria $140.00
Shreveport, Monroe $170.00
*The above Advance Cost includes one service. Each additional service is $100.00. If a party is to be served through the Secretary of State, an additional $50.00 is required per service.
**Includes Subpoena, Service & Witness Fee in accordance with RS 13:3661.
Death Certificates
Death Certificates $26.00*
*Death Certificates are cash only.
Land Records/Copy Fees
Hecon Copy Button - Public
Copies $0.50 (50¢) per page
Plats (each)
All Other Sizes $5.00
Certification Fee$10.00 + copy charges
Copies (each) - Office
8½ x 11 or 8½ x 14 $1.00 per page
Index Pages $2.50
Certification Fee $10.00 + copy charges
Mortgage Fees
Real - Estate Mortgage Certificates
1st Name $20.00 Each Additional Name $10.00
Each Additional Property $15.00
Each entry over 10 $1.00
General Real Estate Mortgage Certificate
Per Name $20.00
Mortgage Certificate "Updates" (dated not over 1 year)
Each Name $10.00
Each Additional Name $5.00
UCC Certificates*
Per name (1 name per certificate)
We ask that UCC Certificate Requests be submitted on a Louisiana State approved request form $30.00 / $1.00 each encumbrance listing over 10
Copies of UCC Filings (When ordered with a certificate only, otherwise, use the Research Department) $2.00 each copy
Miscellaneous Fees
Non-Lien Certificates $20.00 per name
Attachments to Mortgage Certificates (copies) $1.00 each
Mortgage Certificate Re-Typing/Reprint Fee$ 5.00
* - UCC Certificate Requests must be submitted on a Louisiana State approved request form.
Marriage License
Marriage License $27.50
Marriage License Attachments (per page) $4.00
Certified copy of Marriage License $5.00*
* - Payable by separate check, money order, cash or credit/debit card to: Clerk of Court
Recording Fees
ACT 173 of the 2017 Regular Legislative Session
Effective August 1, 2018
As of August 1, 2018 our office will be a participant in the Louisiana Clerks Remote Access Authority ("LCRAA"). LCRAA is a state entity authorized to design, construct, administer, and maintain a Statewide Portal of records maintained by parish Clerks of Court. The Statewide Portal provides secure remote access by Internet users to records maintained by Participants. The fee for the Portal is $5.00 per document recorded in the conveyance and/or mortgage records. Documents received before August 1, 2018 will not be charged the $5.00 Portal fee. Please update your records with our new attached fee schedule, to avoid any delay in recordings.
A "document" is defined as those pages presented together for filing or recording, inclusive of the act, together with exhibits, riders, or additional documents attached thereto, including but not limited to powers of attorney, property description exhibits, tax certificates and researches, mortgage certificates, resolutions, certificates, and surveys, R.S. 13:844(B)(1).
Every document filed for recordation shall be captioned as to type of act on the 1st page and shall have on the 1st page a margin of 2" at the top and 1" at the bottom and sides. The type size shall not be less than 8 point, R.S. 13:844(B)(2). Documents to be recorded may be either 8 ½" x 11" paper or 8 ½" x 14" paper.
Documents to be recorded in 1 index type
Fees include $5.00 LCRAA Fee, 10 names to be indexed and 1 certified copy
1 to 5 pages $105.00
6 to 25 pages $205.00
26 to 50 pages $305.00
51 or more pages $305.00 for the first 50 pages + $5.00 per additional page
Index Fee after the 10th name $5.00 per name
Paper size other than 8 ½" x 11" or 8 ½" x 14"$20.00 per page
Debtor Fee (No SS # or Tax ID on judgment) $25.00 per debtor
Documents to be recorded in both conveyance and mortgage (fees are assessed separately for each recording book, except for the $5.00 LCRAA fee)
Fees include $5.00 LCRAA Fee, 10 names to be indexed and 1 certified copy
1 to 5 pages $205.00
6 to 25 pages $405.00
26 to 50 pages $605.00
51 or more pages $605.00 for the first 50 pages + $5.00 per additional page
Index Fee after the 10th name $5.00 per name
Paper size other than 8 ½" x 11" or 8 ½" x 14" $20.00 per page
Debtor Fee (No SS # or Tax ID on judgment) $25.00 per debtor
Cancellation/Partial Release (single mortgage, lien or privilege) $55.00
Cancellation with original paraphed note $15.00
Cancellation of La. Dept of Labor lien (includes initial recording fees):
If lien was recorded prior to 8-1-17 $85.00
If lien was recorded on or after 8-1-17 $155.00
Notice of Repossession $75.00
Affidavit of Identity No Charge
Copies $1.00 per page
Conformed Copy $5.00 + copy fee
Certified Copy $10.00 + copy fee
Postage Actual Amount
* Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for documents to be returned by mail to avoid additional postage fees.
All UCC-1 Financing Statements include required $5.00 prepaid termination fee.
UCC-1 Financing Statement $30.00 First Pg. & 1 Debtor
UCC-1F Financing Statement with Farm & Crop $35.00 flat fee
UCC-1 Financing Statement with Assignment $35.00 First Pg. & 1 Debtor
UCC-1 Financing Statement relating to fixture or extracted collateral $40.00 First Pg. & 1 Debtor
UCC-1 Financing Statement (Transmitting Utility) $205.00
UCC-1 Financing Statement (Transmitting Utility & Fixture Filing) $215.00
UCC-1 Financing Statement (Public Finance Transaction) $105.00
UCC-1 Financing Statement (Public Finance Transaction & Fixture Filing) $115.00
UCC-1F Financing Statement Crop Only $20.00 flat fee
UCC-1 Each Additional Debtor $10.00
UCC-1 Non Standard Form Penalty $15.00
UCC-1 Each Additional Page$2.00
UCC-3 Amendment (one debtor) $25.00
UCC-3 Assignment (Full or Partial)(one debtor) $25.00
UCC-3 Continuation (one debtor) $25.00
UCC-3 Re-inscription of Pre-Chapter 9 filing $25.00
UCC-3F All $20.00 flat fee
UCC-3 Master Amendment $5.00 Per # Amended
UCC-3 Each Additional Debtor $10.00
UCC-3 Each Additional Page $2.00
UCC-3 Additional Debtor named on original $5.00
Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for documents to be returned by mail to avoid additional postage fees.
Online Records Search
Online Court Records Subscription
1 Day Access to Civil, Criminal, Traffic & Family - $10 Daily
30 Day Access to Civil, Criminal, Traffic & Family - $25 Monthly
365 Day Access to Civil, Criminal, Traffic & Family - $300 Yearly
Civil, Criminal, Traffic & Family per printed page (Excluding minute entries) $1.00
Civil, Criminal, Traffic & Family per minute entry $10.00
Click HERE to get a Court Records subscription.
Online Land Records Subscription
1 Day Unlimited Access to Index and Images - $20 Daily with a $1.00 per page printing fee
30 Day Unlimited Access to Index and Images - $50 Monthly with a $1.00 per page printing fee
365 Day Unlimited Access to Index and Images - $600 Yearly with $1.00 per page printing fee
Click HERE to get a Land Records Only subscription.
Facsimile Fees
For additional information or for questions regarding fees please call (337) 291-6400.